Seeking truth 心的挣扎 (50) 可悲的一代人
Lamentable generation

但 自 在 脱 就 却 不 这 已 浪 
是 由 蓝 了 像 无 愿 是 不 迹
无 一 蓝 线 一 处 归 一 属 天
目 一 的 的 支 归 还 群 于 涯
的 一 天 风 支 宿 一 忘 中 的
地 一 上 筝 一 的 一 却 国 中
飞 一 一 一 一 群 一 来 一 国
翔 一 一 一 一 体 一 处 一 人
不归人 (A person who will not return)

上世纪初,外国的洋炮轰醒了中国人的世界中心梦,自命为天子的中国王朝几次 惨败于弹丸之岛小日本之下。中国人惭恨交加,救国强民的风云四起。一个个民族枭雄,康有为、 李大钊、陈独秀、孙中山、蒋介石、毛泽东、邓小平等等响当当的人物相继诞生。

他们是一批能力卓越的人,这些人基本上控制了近百年的中国政治经济、文化、 思想和科学走向。他们之后诞生的近三代人,都被他们的光辉覆盖了,只是在他们的呼风唤雨之下 跑龙套。一直到九十年代邓小平死,他们才完全退出中国舞台后,他们的影响也才逐渐淡出,四十、 五十年代末诞生的人才得以走上主流社会。

在这被覆盖的三代人中,如果说五十年代的大学生中还有一些姣姣者,七十年代 被造反下乡耽误了的一代中也不乏杰出人物,那么六十年代的大学生是实实在在的默默无闻的一代。 他们被反右吓坏了,终身在听党的话,做党的驯服工具和永不生锈的螺丝钉,争取入党入团。更可怜 的是他们的黄金时代正是阶级斗争如日中天的时代,于是他们绞尽脑汁大骂剥削阶级父母,与他们划 清界线,揭发同学、同事之间的所谓反动言论。

现在那个势不可挡的铁腕时代已经过去了,这些人也已到了日簿西山的暮年,他 们回想往事心中是何感情?


At the beginning of the last century, foreign countries blasted the Chinese people's dream of being the center of the world. The self-styled emperor of China proclaimed emperor of the Chinese dynasty was defeated several times by tiny Japan. The Chinese felt ashamed and hated。 The calling for saving the country and strengthening the people was heard throughout the country. Many tough guys, such as Kang Youwei, Li Dazhao, Chen Duxiu, Sun Yat-sen, Chiang Kai-shek, Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, and other famous figures were born.

They are a group of highly capable people who have essentially controlled the political, economic, cultural, ideological and scientific direction of China for nearly a century. Nearly three generations after them, are covered by their glory, are no voice under their control. It wasn't until the death of Deng Xiaoping in the 1990s that they completely retired from the Chinese stage, and their influence gradually faded away, allowing the talent born in the late 1940s and 1950s to enter the mainstream society.

Among the three generations covered, if there are some outstanding people among the college students in the 1950s, there may be also several outstanding figures in the generation that were rebelled in the 1970s, then college students in the sixties are truly an unknown generation. They were frightened by the anti-rightist. They fully listened to the party’s words for life, made themselves as party’s taming tools and as never rusted screws, and tried to join the party. Even more pitifully, their golden age was a time when class struggle was at its peak, so they racked their brains to curse the exploitative class parents, draw a line with them, and expose the so-called reactionary views among their classmates and colleagues.

Now that the irrepressible era has passed, and these people are in their twilight years, what feelings do they have in mind?

They are truly sad and poor generations.

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